"I got 99 problems but a bug ain't one!"
- You, After Calling 303

All Services Warrantied
Police, Fire And Military Discounts
Pet And Child Friendly Products
We Wear Shoe Covers Inside
Our Process

We power spray the exterior of every home with a truck mounted rig.

All exterior entry points are dusted as an extra layer of defense.

Water activated granules are placed in key areas around the property.

Exterior spider webs are identified and removed.

Monitoring stations are placed in the garage to track any potential activity.
Cool, I see you're going to do all this stuff during my service...but what does that mean to me?
Power Spraying: Many companies will use a backpack sprayer to treat the exterior of a home which, generally, only coats the top soil with a fine mist. While this is a standard practice in our industry, we find that using a truck mounted spray rig allows us to get proper coverage and, in some cases, saturation in the areas that need it most. This is especially important when treating scorpions that like to hide deep in cracks and crevices. In order to eliminate the noise associated with gas powered spray rigs, we use high pressure electric pumps instead which also produce zero emissions.
Dust- Dust is our liquid control agent that we spray the yard with, only in powder form! Certain pests, scorpions especially, are extremely resilient to pesticides. While a house cricket may die within 1 hour of contacting the liquid barrier, a scorpion who followed the same path may take 6x as long, or longer! A scorpion can travel a long distance in that time, which is where the dust comes in to play. Think of the scorpion as Mario and the dust as Bowser. Before an affected scorpion can scurry under a door, it's going to cross a second barrier, the ultimate barrier. It will directly contact the dust and increase it's exposure 3-10x, rapidly decreasing its life expectancy.
Water Activated Granules- With the experience and knowledge we have acquired over the years, we're very familiar with areas of a property that may be problematic after rain. To stay ahead of a potential problem we use water activated granules, which are sprinkled in the areas that we see as a potential pest risk and fall deep into the foliage, rock or soil. Sometimes these granules are activated by landscape irrigation, and other times by rain. Regardless of the activator, they immediately begin to treat the area before a pest infestation has time to establish.
Web Removal- What kind of company would we be if we did an outstanding service on your house and left spider webs all over the place?
Monitoring Stations- These are small boxes placed in the garage that trap any insects that may try to come in. These monitoring stations allow us to understand your property better; the pests we're dealing with, the population we may be looking at, and more. Not only do these boxes give us a real time report on your property, they stop pests dead in their tracks, doubling up as another barrier of protection.
Are you ready to kiss those bugs goodbye? (623)980-1870
We Get It, We're People Too
Between work, school, errands, events for the kids and everything in between, life is hectic (seriously, we can empathize!). You've got enough on your plate and worrying about bugs shouldn't be an added stress. With flexible scheduling and payment options, and a satisfaction guarantee, we are here to take the burden off of you. Using only the safest products, latest technology and a decade of experience, 303 Pest Control brings quality service and great prices to create a value that can't be beat. With 303 Pest Control, you know exactly what to expect each and every time your technician comes out. We are so confident in our work that we will come out and respray your home at no charge if you are still experiencing issues after our service. Call today at (623) 980-1870 and put your pest worries behind you!